Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Requiem For A Dream - OST [Fall]

Requiem For A Dream - OST [FALL]
Requiem for a Dream is the title of a soundtrack album released in 2000 to accompany the Darren Aronofsky film Requiem for a Dream. The soundtrack was composed and performed by the Clint MansellKronos Quartet.
[more about this]


  1. Cleaning Apartment** [download here]
  2. Ghosts Falling [download here]
  3. Dreams II [download here]
  4. Arnold [download here]
  5. Marion Barfs** [download here]
  6. Supermarket Sweep** [download here]
  7. Dreams III [download here]
  8. Sara Goldfarb Has Left the Building [download here]
  9. Bugs Got a Devilish Grin Conga** [download here]

All Songs (zipped) [download here]

** highly recommended