Saturday, February 28, 2009

五月天 Mayday - 后青春期的詩Poetry of the Day After

五月天 Mayday - 后青春期的詩Poetry of the Day After
Mayday (Chinese: 五月天; pinyin: Wǔ Yuè Tiān), is a Taiwanese rock band that was formed in the late 1990s with five members, named Ashin(Ah-Xin) (vocalist), Monster (Guai Wu/Guai Shou) and Stone (Shi Tou) (lead guitars), Masa (Ma-sha)(bass guitar) and Guan You (Guan-You) (drums).
[more about this]

  1. 突然好想你 [download here]
  2. 生存以上 生活以下 [download here]
  3. 你不是真正的快樂 [download here]
  4. 爆肝 [download here]
  5. 噢買尬 [download here]
  6. 出頭天 [download here]
  7. 我心中尚未崩壞的地方 [download here]
  8. 春天的吶喊 [download here]
  9. 夜訪吸血鬼 [download here]
  10. 如煙 [download here]
  11. 後青春期的詩 [download here]
  12. 笑忘歌 [download here]

Whole Album (zipped) [download here]